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Dating me and my work

October 9, 2013

I have recently realized the consistent problem I have with relationships. I am a cheat but not by choice. I simply always have my priorities caught up in my work and the places writing takes me. With that being said it is terribly difficult to stay committed to someone who is committed to me but not my work.
I had one relationship that I didn’t cheat in and that was with the Great One. And what made her different was that she was committed to me AND my work. She would always ask about what I was writing and never judged my disturbing mind.
Equally important, she was not afraid of the side of me that makes me creative. Her unconditional love for me and my artistic condition made me a better person. She tamed me and the darkness that I create with. And that gift connected me to her hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I wanted to do anything and everything to make sure whatever dram she imagined could com true. Even if that meant a cancelation of my dreams from our cosmic equation. I could have stayed with her forever.
Alas, the reason this blog works is because we are not together. Because she knew that I would give up galaxies for her atmosphere. So she left. So that my dreams could live. And when she left I understood the death of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse. I understood how I could have everything and it feel like nothing. I had beautiful women in my bed and in my house but felt alone. I touched and was touched but felt nothing. I saw beauty everywhere and didn’t matter because the masterpiece that was made for me was gone.
Despite the success that came with her exit it didn’t feel worth giving up the person who truly understood my all. But I continue on because I am clear that what i have to give is bigger than us. So I get it. Love, perfection. And how it is possible to find a person whose flaws, childhood hang ups, and fears fit with yours like a perfect puzzle piece.

And the feeling of being able to see and access so much except the only mirror that allows you to see yourself as a human in this divine experience.

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