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Ex’s are ex’s for a reason

October 17, 2013

Where have I been you ask? You know me finding my way through the maze of love finding my way and working of course. However you don’t read for the work, you come for the love, the passion, and most of all the stories. Well this particular part of the journey had me back tracking for a while. A necessary step if your going to get through the summer of love without STDs and stalkers.
But as I was saying, backwards. It’s possible to be friends with an ex, all it takes is a friendship to begin with. With that being said I have a few (you can count them on one hand) and most of those people are capable of talking about what ended the relationship. They are adult enough to admit wrongs on both sides and maintain a friendship without sex. And with that being said I decided to chose the only person that is not capable of having that conversation.
Our friendship now emits a interesting odor because of the recent break up but it will be sanitized fresh with the frebreeze like mist that is her smile because she is a woman who swallows and eats shit. Yes that type of woman exists, and I ask what is the breaking point for this friendship.
HOW MUCH SHIT CAN SHE TAKE?? I don’t need a romantic comedy to tell me. The answer is a lot, cause despite the lesson from Grease; no transformation of my Sandy will take place. She will be the girl too innocent for this world and me too evil to date her. But at least we have our friendship 😉

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